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Freedom from Being Ordinary with Alison Armstrong NOW Live Online

Ordinary: commonplace; unexceptional; plain or undistinguished; the commonplace or average condition; something regular, customary, or usual.

Many people believe that we should be normal, happy and "well adjusted".
We should be able to accept ourselves and others, and handle stress easily.
Oh, and we should also have fulfilling relationships ~ naturally ~ in all contexts!

These beliefs ignore that we were born HUMAN; with hard-wired human instincts that CAUSE men and women of all ages to STRUGGLE with:

  • Truly understanding and honoring ourselves
  • Maintaining self-love, self-acceptance and self-care
  • Effectively expressing our most important needs and dearest desires
  • Gaining help and support ~ and turning "Yes" into new realities
  • Being true to ourselves in the face of fear, rejection and potential loss of respect and love
  • Competition and prejudice when we're seeking connection and cooperation
  • Feeling powerless to cause sustainable intimacy, commitment, and attraction

Most of us try to explain, overcome, solve or hide these ordinary experiences personally. As if they are a reflection of something special, damaged, exceeding or unusual about us individually.

What if transcending our challenges depends upon questioning the true Origins of these struggles?

NOW Live Online in 8 Weekly Zoom Sessions

Alison will illuminate and de-construct key aspects of "the Ordinary Human Experience" that already PREVENT and usually DERAIL partnership.

To make sure this Online Program is for YOU, watch this:

"Origins of our Struggles within the Ordinary Human Experience"

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With Illumination, Fun, Courage, Celebration and a Sense of Humor, we will:

  • Transform our relationship to Anger from sources of Injury and Shame to a valuable indicator of what really matters to us
  • Gain access to the power of productive destruction within an experience and expression of unconditional love
  • Embrace the use of "Empowering Pressure" in authentic communication
  • Learn to "calibrate" our level of pressure so we can communicate effectively with people of varying sensitivities (both more and less sensitive than ourselves)
  • Disconnect instinctual forms of competition which plague women and men differently, and damage health, self-acceptance, self-expression and respect
  • Explore and, even, play with "prejudices" - those uncomfortable, ever-present, sometimes ugly, often shameful sets of thoughts, feelings and reactions - in their common denominator of perception
  • Develop the ability to cause deep connections and a sense of belonging anywhere we choose
  • And MORE!

"Why Non-Negotiable Prerequisites?"

Join Alison ~ and worldwide graduates of our acclaimed online curriculum ~ for this game-changing live online webinar. It truly begins when you register and start transforming your experience of men, women and relationships.

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*Online Course Prerequisites:

Start when you register, and connect with Alison on monthly Live Interaction calls for help with clarification and implementation of the 33+ hours of online videos.

"Attending this workshop was a relieving and hopeful experience. The wisdom shared by Alison made every moment truly invaluable. And the community of people involved made the experience that much better. Alison's guidance was not only insightful but the intentional group exercises were a highlight, fostering a sense of connection and understanding... In retrospect, I can confidently say that this workshop has had a lasting impact on my personal growth... I look forward to applying these valuable lessons and insights in my life moving forward. Thank you, Alison and Team!" — Martha A., New Jersey

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