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Alison's Relationships Bundle

Items Sold Separately = $190

15% Off

Alison's Relationships Bundle $161.50
Dating with Distinctions
Connecting through Conflict

Alison's Relationships Bundle includes these popular webinar video recordings online at

Dating with Distinctions

Includes introductory foundation: Are You Dating in the Dark?

7 hours 30 minutes

Because we're mostly in the dark, without distinctions...

Alison illuminates:

  • How and When relationships actually "progress", Don't be fooled and don't blow it.
  • What to pay attention to BEFORE you take your clothes off and
  • What most people need to be fulfilled romantically and quickly sort out the folks that will never provide it
  • How to really CONNECT in ways that shape the future, instead of getting stuck in the past - theirs or yours.
  • What to DO - and When - to make Dating Apps work for YOU. How Dating Apps create Illusions of both scarcity and abundance. Escape the "Messaging Zone" faster and make the process more fruitful!

Connecting through Conflict

Includes introductory foundation: Do You Dis~Connect with Conflict?

8 hours 51 minutes

Alison illuminates:

  • Why even the anticipation of conflict can cause men and women to disconnect with each other and, even, with themselves.
  • The 4 most common kinds of Conflict: from relatively minor irritations to bona fide needs, and heart-crushing disappointments to real deal-breakers.
  • The most valuable kinds of Connection, a context you can adopt to see conflict through to happier futures.
  • What NOT to DO if you don't want the conflict to cause lasting damage.
  • Ways to access creative, honoring and sustainable (even, FUN) resolutions.
  • How a thoughtful approach to Conflict can reliably improve affinity, intimacy, productivity and your quality of life!

Alison's Relationships Bundle

Items Sold Separately = $190

15% Off

Alison's Relationships Bundle $161.50
Dating with Distinctions
Connecting through Conflict

Get 15% Off + Another 10% OFF when you get the Bundle of Bundles!


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