★ Curriculum Prescriptions
★ Intensive Structures
★ Interactions with Alison
★ Specific Applications
Extraordinary Lives & Loves Don't Happen by Accident or Even Hard Work...
Clarity About Who You Are, and the Life Empowering Your Best Self
Whether it's ambitions, obligations, the pace or just too many priorities, our lives are more likely to drain our life force than increase it.
We're left feeling out of control, less than we want to be, and far from fulfilling our own definition of greatness. The results are costly decisions, wasted energy and resources, and a lack of satisfaction no matter how hard we're trying.
Being Extraordinary as a Man or Woman
Awareness of How Your Power and Productivity are Sabotaged
Have you ever been doing great -- and then, what the heck???!!!
Sometimes it's a sudden or looming sense of overwhelm. Sometimes it's a well-meaning concern expressed by another. Sometimes it's a thought or fear we can't shake. Sometimes one leads to another. Self-confidence dims, actions are curtailed...and we feel 'normal' again. Familiar, comfortable, safe -- but deeply dissatisfied.
Critical Missing Pieces
Freedom and Restoration from Injuries, Dishonor and Hidden Limitations
Every human being experiences limitations in some form.
They are like prison bars...but of our own making. What are you imprisoned by? Your history? Your fears? Something you did, or failed to do? The type of person you are - or are not? What seems true about you that keeps you stuck?
Extreme Freedom
“I was beside myself when I realized I wanted this program to exist because I'd never, ever gotten to fit the pieces together when people needed it. I took Being Extraordinary as a Woman and Being Extraordinary as a Man, and I looked at 'what did people struggle with the most at this point, this point, this point and this point.' Then I put in the thing that would fix that, release that, the thing that would make space for that, empower that and clarify that, so people wouldn't end up in the pitfalls. It was like composing a sonnet or something.” — Alison Armstrong
Whether you choose to participate in either Intensive or not at all, everybody will benefit from Alison's unique perspective!
It only takes minutes to watch these recorded segments:
★ Curriculum Prescriptions
★ Intensive Structures
★ Interactions with Alison
★ Specific Applications
★ Considerations for You
★ Why Start Soonest
★ Being Extraordinary as a Man or Woman?
★ Getting and Giving