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Want to just listen?

The Queen's Code Audiobook

(Not for sale on Audible)

Listen on the new Alison Armstrong Mobile App*

Excerpt from the Audiobook

"I just listened to the preface and introduction, and the first chapter. I am stunned...tears were rolling down my cheeks. I can't tell you how happy I am that I purchased this audiobook with Alison reading it!!! ...Even though I have her ebook and of course, the book, Alison's voice resonates with emotions and a clarity that only SHE could convey." — MJP, Texas

Praise from Gina S. for The Queen's Code Audiobook

"With division ripping through our world in every way, "The Queen's Code" embodies a profound spirit of reconciliation across our most fundamental divide: between men and women. When I first read Alison's book years ago, I felt understood and appreciated as a man. I've returned to it many times since then, and with each reading, I've discovered new gems of Alison's extraordinary joy and loving wisdom regarding not just men but women, too. It's my hope and prayer that "The Queen's Code" doesn't just change the world. I want much more than that. I hope it changes you."
Will Spencer, Podcast Host, Filmmaker: The Renaissance of Men.

Want to do more than listen?

Your Queen's Code Journey

Fill out the form below to be notified when registration for the Next Journey opens.

Meanwhile, buy just the audiobook now to start transforming your relationships immediately. By filling out this form, you will get to start early AND receive a credit towards Your Queen's Code Journey registration

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Join the Worldwide LIVE WEBINAR with Alison

With Alison's guidance, accompany the women and men of The Queen's Code in this profoundly romantic story of liberation, while experiencing your own journey of illumination, self-discovery, and healing.

  • Get help and clarification in applying the teachings of The Queen's Code to your own life
  • Customize your own "code of honor" for yourself, and to guide your interactions with women and men of any age and context
  • Spend 7 sessions with like-minded, like-hearted people from around the world
  • Celebrate your courage, growth and achievements with Alison and the other participants.
  • Continue to interact, if you like, in the Private Facebook group

Your Queen's Code Journey package includes:

  • The Queen's Code - Audiobook, read by Alison on our new mobile app
  • 7 Exclusive Live Webinar sessions with Alison

"As I recorded the audiobook, I was shaken to the core by the intensity of the experience (you'll hear it in my voice sometimes). I imagined men and women hearing the "Language of Heroes," learning how to create delicious intimate partnerships, and embracing their power forever. Over and over again, I thought, "I want to be there for them!" So, along with this long-awaited release, you can have me with you to guide and clarify."
Alison Armstrong

Want a taste of what happens in
Your Queen's Code Journey
Live Webinar sessions?

Watch these excerpts

How to Tell If You've Frog Farmed

Is It Better to Be a King (than a Queen)?

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(International: 626.389.4927)

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Your Customized Path   60 minutes

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