Have you ever noticed that Alison thinks being human is really, really FUNNY?
Join Alison as she illuminates and encourages you to explore characteristics of being human ~ regardless of gender or gender hormones. We'll empower ourselves by embracing simply being human, and getting a good laugh in the bargain.
Save time and energy spent resisting, condemning or justifying what we all have in common!
If you're...
Struggling with "patterns" that make you feel doomed to the same mistakes and lousy results
Regretting the cost of what you feel compelled to do, no matter how much you resolve to change or "do better"
Trying to live up to impossible standards - your own or others - and can't win (at all or for very long)
Finding yourself suddenly being ways you hate being, and confounded by how you got there
Spending time and energy wondering, "What's wrong with me?"
Longing for a simpler, kinder, "funner" and more effective way of understanding yourself and your behavior
Four Topic Co-Ed Series
No Prerequisites*
Passion, Peace and Providence: Harness the hierarchy of human instincts to turn lead into gold
Freedom Under Fire: Transform your most reactive routines in the face of threats and opportunities
Embracing Power: Create freedom and authenticity by confronting the coveting, avoidance, use and abuse of power ~ with a sense of humor!
Ethical Wealth, Love and Affection: Recognize and disarm the attitudes and behaviors of modern monarchs, pirates, gamblers and prostitutes
*These 4 topics make up Part I of Finding Humor in Being Human. They are prerequisites to Part II and Part III, coming in 2023 and sold separately.
September through November
Four 75-minute Zoom classroom sessions from 5:00 - 6:15 PM Pacific Time
Thursdays: September 8, 29, October 27 and November 10
Two 75-minute Live Interaction Calls with Alison, for each topic
Thursdays September 15, October 6, November 3 & 17
9:00-10:15 AM Pacific Time AND 5:00-6:15 PM Pacific Time
Maestro Conference system, accessible by phone or computer
Attend one or both times; get access to all 8 audio recordings within 48 hours.
Recordings provided online within 48 hours; available until December 19